Brazil - Average Long-term Government Bond

Brazil: Average Long-term Government Bond

Unit % per annum, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Data Apr 2024 6.67
Mar 2024 6.53

Series Information

Source Central Bank of Brazil
Release Interest Rates
Frequency Business Daily
Start Date 12/31/1994
End Date 4/30/2024

Brazil: Markets

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Average Long-term Government Bond Apr 2024 6.67 6.53 % per annum, NSA Monthly
Lending Rate 18 Apr 2024 10.75 10.75 Percent,NSA Daily
Stock Market Index 18 Apr 2024 124,196 124,171 Index, NSA Daily
Money Market Rate Jan 2024 11.65 11.87 % p.a., NSA Monthly
Treasury Bills (over 31 days) Jan 2024 10.22 10.24 % p.a., NSA Monthly
Monetary Policy Rate Jun 2017 10.25 11.25 % - End of period Monthly

Release Information

The Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) reports monthly interest rates. The following rates are disseminated: SELIC overnight rate, CDI (money market interest rate), TBF (financial basic rate),TR (reference rate), mortgage reference rate (TR), and Long-term Rate (TJLP) . Figures are expressed as a percentage per year (% per annum), not seasonally adjusted (NSA).

SELIC overnight rate (basis 252): The Special Settlement and Custody System (Selic) is run by the Central Bank to record registration, settlement, and custody of transactions involving public securities. The Selic rate is the average of rates for one-day financing transactions backed by federal public bonds and carried out in the form of repurchase operations. The rate is expressed in compound annualized terms based on a 252 business day year. This rate is used as a benchmark for monetary policy.

The rate is updated daily and is not the final monthly value until the last business day of the month.

CDI (basis 252): The CDI rate is the average rate of one-day transactions that are backed by fixed-rate Certificates of Interbank Deposit (CDIs). The rate only takes into account one-day trades between instituttions of different financial groups. These transactions are registered and settled by the Cetip clearinghouse. 

Two institutions agree on an interest rate and report to the Cetrip. The Cetrip imediately transfers ownership of the CDI and creates a credit. The credit impacts the institution's reserve account at the Central Bank on the same day of the trade. The transaction is reversed the very nect day and the purchaser recieves its reserve funds, plus the agreed upon interest rate. 

The rate is updated daily and is not the final monthly value until the last business day of the month.

Basic financial rate (TBF): The basic financial rate is used as a benchmark for transactions within the financial system with maturities over 60 days. It represents the average of rates paid on Certificates of Deposit (CDBs) and Non-Transferable Certificates of Deposit (RBDs).  

Reference Rate (TR): TR is a reference rate for future inflation built into nominal market interest rates. The rate excludes the real interest rate from the TBF using a reduction factor. It is published daily and is valid until the same day of the following month. The rate is mainly used for the savings and loan system that finance housing construction.

Long-Term Interest Rate (TJLP): TJLP stimulates long-term investments and is the main rate for credit lines from the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the Workers' Support Fund (FAT). The calculation for this rates takes into account the inflation target and the risk premium.

Data is subject to revisions.

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