Denmark [Denmark] - Imports of Goods

Denmark [Denmark]: Imports of Goods

Mnemonic TRIG.IDNK
Unit Mil. DKK, SA
Adjustments Seasonally Adjusted
Monthly 2.42 %
Data Nov 2020 53,516
Oct 2020 52,251

Series Information

Source Statistics Denmark
Release International Trade in Goods
Frequency Monthly
Start Date 1/31/1997
End Date 11/30/2020

Denmark [Denmark]: Trade

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Balance of Goods Nov 2020 4,478 4,263 Mil. DKK, SA Monthly
Current Account Balance Nov 2020 17,182 16,829 Mil. DKK, NSA Monthly
Exports of Goods Nov 2020 57,994 56,514 Mil. DKK, SA Monthly
Imports of Goods Nov 2020 53,516 52,251 Mil. DKK, SA Monthly
Exports of Goods and Services 2020 Q3 306.95 290.5 Bil. DKK, SA Quarterly
Imports of Goods and Services 2020 Q3 276.29 258.32 Bil. DKK, SA Quarterly
Real Exports of Goods and Services 2020 Q3 289.31 272.76 Bil. Ch. 2010 DKK, SA Quarterly
Real Imports of Goods and Services 2020 Q3 258.84 243.81 Bil. Ch. 2010 DKK, SA Quarterly

Release Information

The statistics represent the development in Denmark's trade in goods with the other Member States of the European Unionat at a detailed commodity level (imports and exports) .

The statistics were introduced at the beginning of the EC Single Market 1 January 1993. Previously, these flows of goods were analysed through customs and shipping documents reported by firms to the Customs and Tax Authorities.

The sources of the data are monthly reports from approx. 10,000 firms.

The statistics show Denmark's imports and exports of goods from/to the other European Union countries, distributed among partner countries and approx. 10,500 different goods recorded by value, net weight in kilograms and/or supplementary unit. In addition unit value and volume indices are published at a more aggregated level (SITC-chapters, but not distributed among partner countries).

The statistics are prepared on the basis of reports from Danish companies with total annual imports and/or exports of goods of DKK 1.6m and DKK 4.1m, respectively. The obligation to report is established for imports and exports separately.

For each commodity flow (imports or exports) and month, the following statistical information is gathered:

  • Product code in accordance with the Combined Nomenclature CN
  • Partner country (imports=country of consignment, exports=country of destination)
  • Nature of transaction
  • Invoice value in Danish kroner (whole numbers)
  • Net weight in kilograms (whole numbers) and/or supplementary unit, e.g. litres, units (if indicated in CN).

The statistics are published at the most detailed level as sums of statistical value (estimated on the basis of the invoice value), net weight, and any supplementary unit for identical occurrences of product code and partner country, some types of transactions are, however, indicated separately (e.g. repair goods). In addition, quarterly unit value and volume indices are published at a more aggregated level (SITC-chapters, but not distributed among partner countries).

Grouping is primarily made on commodity groups (e.g. all goods for which the first two digits are identical, i.e. the chapter level) for each flow of goods (imports or exports). For the grouping, different nomenclatures are used (KN, SITC rev. 3, BEC and KONJ).

External trade figures are comparable over time because any gap in the time series as a result of changed collection methods etc. is adjusted for by estimation. Data comparability does not apply at the most detailed commodity level because the content of many product codes is changed over time. 

Coherence between provisional and final statistics:

As the share of estimated figures is in the order of 20-30 per cent when the statistics are published for the first time, there are a number of deviations between the first and the final publication of external trade figures for any given month. The inaccuracy on the provisional statistics can be illustrated by the difference between the first provisional statistics and the revised figures.


Statistics Denmark takes no responsibility for content disseminated through this site.

Further reading

The Danish external trade figures are accessible via various international publications, e.g from the OECD, the UN, the IMF and Eurostat, including Eurostat's COMEXT-database.

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