Germany - Wage & Salaries

Germany: Wage & Salaries

Unit Mil. EUR
Annual 6.34 %
Data 2022 1,665,852
2021 1,566,537

Series Information

Source Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
Release Regional Accounts (Sub-National)
Frequency Annual
Start Date 12/31/1991
End Date 12/31/2022

Germany: Labor

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Unemployment Mar 2024 2,719 2,714 Ths. #, CDASA Monthly
Unemployment Rate Mar 2024 5.9 5.9 %, CDASA Monthly
Labor Force Employment Feb 2024 46,070 46,054 Ths. #, CDASA Monthly
Total Employment Feb 2024 46,070 46,054 Ths. #, CDASA Monthly
Primary Industries Employment 2023 Q4 537 576 Ths. #, NSA Quarterly
Labor Force 2022 43,905,075 42,960,625 # Annual
Wage & Salaries 2022 1,665,852 1,566,537 Mil. EUR Annual
Agriculture Employment 2017 558,630 566,293 # Annual

Release Information

For Germany, the annual regional accounts are the subnational counterpart to the quarterly national accounts.


  • Framework: ESA 2010
  • Measurement:
    • Euros at current prices (EUR)
    • Millions thereof (Mil. EUR)
    • Millions of hours (Mil. hours)
    • Chained index relative to 2015 (Ch. Index 2015=100)
  • Adjustment: Not applicable
  • Native frequency: Annual
  • Start dates:
    • 1991
    • 2000
  • Geo coverage:
    • Country
    • Former East and West Germany (IDEU_E and IDEU_W)
    • Former East and West Germany excl. Berlin (IDEU_EXBR and IDEU_WXBR)
    • States (IDEU_^^)
    • Regions (IDEU_^^^)
  • All concept-geo pairs exist: No


  • At 2010 prices - 1991 to 2021 ("_10")
  • At 2005 prices - 1991 to 2013 (none)
  • 2000 to 2013 (none)

The source writes:


The gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the economic performance of a national economy over a given period. It indicates the value of the goods and services produced in the economic territory (value added) unless they are used as intermediate consumption for the production of other goods and services.


The population of the Federal Republic of Germany encompasses all the inhabitants whose usual place of residence is within the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, i.e. it includes all the foreigners registered in this territory.


All persons who did some work (for at least one hour) during the reference month for pay or persons temporarily not at work having a formal job attachment (i.e. illness, holiday, strike or lock-out, maternity or parental leave). Employment covers employees and self-employed (unpaid family workers are included). Employment data referring to place of residence and to place of work are available.


In Germany, the GDP is calculated applying the production and expenditure approaches. Calculating the GDP by means of the distribution approach is not possible in Germany because basic data on property and entrepreneurial income are lacking. In national accounts, the property and entrepreneurial income is obtained as a residual value.

Production approach:

The production approach refers to a component of domestic production calculations which represents economic performance from the production side. The production, expenditure and distribution approaches from the core of the continuous domestic product calculation. The most important aggregate of the production approach is the gross value added, which is defined as the difference between the value of output and the value of intermediate consumption. The gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices is obtained by taking as a basis the gross value added of all sectors of economic activity, adding taxes on products minus subsidies on products. Gross value added, output and intermediate consumption are determined and published both at current prices and price-adjusted.

Expenditure approach:

The expenditure approach shows how the goods from domestic production and imports are used, after subtraction of intermediate consumption. The aggregates shown by the expenditure approach are final consumption expenditure of households, of non-profit institutions serving households, and of government, gross fixed capital formation (machinery and equipment, construction, other fixed assets), changes in inventories, acquisitions less disposals of valuables, as well as the balance of exports and imports of goods and services. All aggregates of the expenditure approach are determined and published both at current prices and price-adjusted.

Distribution approach:

The economic performance may be determined in the economic system not only from the production and expenditure sides but also by means of the distribution approach, based on the incomes generated in the production process. However, it has so far not been possible in Germany to perform a separate calculation on the distribution side because the data available on entrepreneurial income are not sufficient for this purpose. An aggregate frequently used for the distribution approach is the net national income (factor costs), which consists of compensation of employees and entrepreneurial and property income. Subtracting employers' social contributions from the compensation of employees results in gross wages and salaries. Entrepreneurial and property income is calculated by deducting compensation of employees from net national income (factor costs). At present, the aggregates shown by the distribution approach are calculated and published at current prices only.


The population development is subject to various factors of influence. Births and deaths determine the number of the population just as much as migrations across the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany. The data on the foreign population come from two different sources, that is current population statistics and the Central Register on Foreigners.

Between population censuses, current population statistics is the only source available for a comprehensive picture of the total population in Germany and its subdivisions and, consequently, of the German and the foreign population. However, current population statistics does not show all variables for foreigners. Therefore, official statistics also uses data of the Central Register on Foreigners, e.g. data on citizenship, duration of stay, and residence status of foreigners.


The average number of persons in employment in Germany in a specific reference period cannot be taken from one single source. Although information on the number of persons in employment is available from many sources of employment statistics, it generally refers to incomplete censuses (for example monthly, quarterly or annual surveys for individual industries) or sample surveys with different periodicities (for example microcensus, EU labour force sample survey). Therefore, the number of persons in employment is obtained in national accounts on the basis of all sources of employment statistics available at the time of calculation by means of special calculations, in particular the conversion of reference-day based figures to period-related averages, and by adding lacking elements or eliminating double counts.

Altogether, 50 statistics obtained through different reporting channels are integrated in the employment accounts performed as part of national accounting. Major sources of employment statistics - in addition to the individual monthly, quarterly and annual statistics for various industries - are in particular the statistics of employees subject to social insurance contributions and of marginal part-time workers compiled by the Federal Employment Agency, the data of the public service personnel statistics, the results of the microcensus and other information from various institutions (e.g. monthly reports from the Federal Ministry of Defence on the number of soldiers). All other basic statistics are continuously monitored. Also, the consistency with other results of national accounts and results regarding labour market statistics and demography is continuously checked.

Further reading
