Lithuania - Residential Building Completions

Lithuania: Residential Building Completions

Unit #, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Quarterly 18.03 %
Data 2023 Q3 3,164
2023 Q2 3,860

Series Information

Source Statistics Lithuania
Release Dwellings Completed
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/1999
End Date 9/30/2023

Lithuania: Real Estate

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
House Price Index 2023 Q4 220.4 217.15 Index 2015=100, NSA Quarterly
House Price Index for Existing Homes 2023 Q4 216.66 212.83 Index 2015=100, NSA Quarterly
House Price Index for New Homes 2023 Q4 226.3 223.99 Index 2015=100, NSA Quarterly
Non-residential Building Completions 2023 920 830 #, NSA Annual
Residential Building Permits 2023 6,189 7,754 #, NSA Annual
Residential Building Completions 2023 Q3 3,164 3,860 #, NSA Quarterly
Dwelling Stocks 2021 107.64 105.86 millions m², NSA Annual

Release Information

Residential buildings completed by Classification of types of
construction (CC), statistical indicator and year

Indicator of completed residential buildings covers

Buildings which are used for residential purposes as their primary function. Buildings are classified by their primary function according to the Classification of Types of Construction (CC).

Building is any independent structure covered by a roof comprising one or more rooms or other premises, enclosed with external walls or partition walls, and intended for residential, agricultural, industrial, commercial, cultural, transport, and other activities.

Residential building is a building whose total, major part or at least half of useful floor space is used for residential purposes.

Dwelling is a part of a building comprising one or several rooms and other premises and separated by partition walls from general use premises, other dwellings or uninhabitable space and meant for people to live; one-dwelling house. A dwelling has to have a separate exit to a yard or space for general use (a staircase, a corridor, a gallery or any other premises for general use).

Useful floor space is the floor space of all rooms, business premises in a dwelling and warm auxiliary space (auxiliary useful floor space).

Construction space is building’s surface space.

Residential building for communities (hostel) is defined as residential premises for the accommodation of pupils, students or employees during the period of studies or work. Children’s homes, orphanages, homes for disabled people, boarding schools, etc. are also ascribed to the residential buildings for communities.

Periodicity of the indicator is quarterly.

The indicator is produced by the Construction and Investment Statistics Division of Statistics Lithuania.

Statistical data sources

Information on completed residential buildings is prepared based on the data of the statistical survey on new buildings construction. The survey covers the departments of state control over territorial planning and construction of county governors’ administrations, which collect data on completed residential buildings by municipalities. The data are collected using the questionnaire “Construction of New Buildings” NPS-01 (, submitted by post, fax, email or the Internet on the 15th day after the end of the quarter.

Methods applied. Census survey. An aggregation method is used for the survey.

Classifications used in the survey:

Classification of Types of Constructions (CC)

Classification of Administrative Units and Residential Areas of the Republic of Lithuania

Usually annual revisions.