New Zealand - Population

New Zealand: Population

Mnemonic POP.INZL
Unit #, NSA
Quarterly 0.49 %
Data 2023 Q4 5,305,600
2023 Q3 5,279,900

Series Information

Source Statistics New Zealand
Release Population Estimates
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/1991
End Date 12/31/2023

New Zealand: Demographics

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Births 2023 Q4 14,013 14,058 #, NSA Quarterly
Deaths 2023 Q4 9,420 10,035 #, NSA Quarterly
Population 2023 Q4 5,305,600 5,279,900 #, NSA Quarterly
Net Migration 2017 74,403 # Annual
Birth Rate 2016 12.65 13.27 # per Ths. pop. Annual
Death Rate 2016 6.64 # per Ths. pop. Annual

Release Information

For New Zealand, estimated resident population (ERP) by sex and age, for each subnational level. Also: migration, median age.

  • Age brackets:
    • 0 to 14, 15 to 39, 40 to 64, 65 and older, 90 and older, 95 and older
    • By five-year brackets
    • By one-year brackets
  • Measurements:
    • Unitary count of persons (#)
    • Percent (%)
  • Adjustment:
    • Not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
    • Not applicable
  • Native frequencies:
    • Quarterly
    • Annual(June)
  • Start dates:
    • Quarterly - Mostly 1991Q1, also 1996Q1, 2018Q1
    • Annual - Uniformly 1996
  • Geo coverage:
    • Country (INZL)
    • North Island, South Island (INZL_NORI, INZL_SOUI)
    • 12 regional councils, three unitary authorities, "area outside region" (INZL_^^^)
    • 67 territorial authorities, "area outside territorial authority" (INZL_^^)

National population estimates are published quarterly and subnational population estimates are published annually.

The estimated resident population is produced using the component methodology and 'date of event' method. The estimates use census data (census usually resident population count) as a starting point. Consequently estimates of the resident population based on one census cover one intercensal period (and slightly beyond) until more recent census data becomes available. When the more recent census data becomes available, this is incorporated into the new base for the next five-year period. National population estimates are produced quarterly.

To produce population estimates for the current quarter, previous estimates or the base population are updated using births, deaths and external migration data for the current quarter. Birth and death registrations are captured by the Department of Internal Affairs. Statistics New Zealand receives this vitals data each month.

Migration data is not estimated, as all required data is available from Statistics New Zealand's external migration databases.

The formula used for estimating the national resident population is:

Population (current quarter) = population (previous quarter) + births - deaths + net migration (difference between international permanent and long-term arrivals and departures).

Census usually resident population count: a count of all people who usually live in New Zealand and are present in New Zealand on a given census night. This count excludes visitors from overseas, and residents temporarily overseas on census night. The population counts published from the census are not comparable with the estimated resident population. 

Changes to method

The 2018-base estimated resident population (as of 30 June 2018, published September 2020) used new sources and methods.


Resident population estimates
An estimate of all people who usually live in New Zealand at a given date. This estimate is based on the census for resident population count. Which is updated for residents missed or counted more than once by the census (net census undercount), as well as residents temporarily overseas on census night, births, deaths, and net permanent and long-term migration between census night and the date of the estimate.
Estimated de facto population
Includes all people present in New Zealand and counted by the census (census night population count). This estimate includes visitors from overseas who are counted on census night, but excludes New Zealand residents who are temporarily overseas.
Estimated resident population (ERP)
An estimate of all people who usually live in New Zealand on a given date. Visitors from overseas are excluded.
International migration
Migration into or out of New Zealand. International migration statistics are based on 'permanent and long-term' migration statistics, which are primarily determined by passengers' responses on arrival and departure cards about how long the person is in or away from New Zealand, and where they last lived or will live for the next 12 months or more.
International migrant arrivals
People from overseas arriving to live in New Zealand for 12 months or more (including permanently), and New Zealanders returning after an absence of 12 months or more. (Referred to as permanent and long-term arrivals in international migration statistics.) 
International migrant departures
New Zealanders departing for an absence of 12 months or more (including permanently), and people from overseas departing after a stay of 12 months or more in New Zealand. (Referred to as permanent and long-term departures in international migration statistics.) 
Net migration
The difference between the number of people who have moved to, and departed from, New Zealand. At the national level this is the equivalent to international migrant arrivals minus international migrant departures.
Median age
Half the population is younger, and half older, than this age.
Natural increase or decrease
Natural increase is an excess of births over deaths. Natural decrease is an excess of deaths over births.

Moody's Analytics supplements

We produce seasonally adjusted versions of national population by standard broad age bracket.

Provisional and final estimates are produced for the resident population each quarter.

When the more recent census data becomes available, this is incorporated into the new base for the next 5-year period. National population estimates are produced quarterly.

Further reading

At the source: