Portugal - Deaths

Portugal: Deaths

Mnemonic DTH.IPRT
Unit Ths. #
Annual 0.26 %
Data 2022 124,497
2021 124,827

Series Information

Source Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Portugal (Statistics Portugal)
Release Demographics
Frequency Annual
Start Date 12/31/1996
End Date 12/31/2022

Portugal: Demographics

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Births 2022 83,989 79,795 Ths. # Annual
Deaths 2022 124,497 124,827 Ths. # Annual
Population 2022 10,467,366 10,421,117 # Annual
Net Migration 2017 -30,001 # Annual
Birth Rate 2016 8.4 8.3 # per Ths. pop. Annual
Death Rate 2010 10 # per Ths. pop. Annual

Release Information

For Portgal, population and demographic components of change (live births, deaths, migration). Detail by sex, age bracket, age of mother, type of migration.

  • Measurement: Thousands of persons (Ths. #)
  • Adjustment: Not applicable
  • Native frequency: Annual
  • Start dates:
    • 1970 for population by sex
    • 1971 for average population by sex
    • 1995 for live births
    • 1996 for deaths
  • Geo coverage: Country

The source writes:


This is the complete expulsion or extraction from the mother's body, irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, of a product of fertilization that, after separation, breathes or shows any other signs of life, such as a beating of the heart or umbilical cord or actual contraction of any muscle subject to voluntary movement, whether or not the umbilical cord has been severed and whether or not the placenta is retained.


The permanent disappearance of vital functions.


The movement of people across a specified boundary for the purpose of temporarily or permanently changing his or her place of residence. Divided into international migration (migration between countries) and internal migration (migration within a country).


Comprises persons who, at the time census day - 00:00 hours on the day of reference - are at a dwelling even if they do not reside there, or who, even if they are not there at the time, arrive by 12:00 hours on that day.


Portugal resident population estimates are developed based on the cohort-component method. Therefore, the trend of the crude rate of population over the last years is a result of variations of both components of population growth, namely the migratory component.

The natural growth rate follows a downward trend since 1970 and, in the same period, the migration growth undergoes large fluctuations. In the years near 1974 it rises considerably, which is associated with the decolonization process of former African colonies and consequently to the return of Portuguese residents in the former colonies to Portugal, reason why the year 1974 has the highest population increase, after a negative increase from 1970 to 1973.

Yes. The source revises data on a yearly basis and generally revises data since the previous census when new census data is released. 

Further reading

At IMF (SDDS Plus):

  • Sep 2005 - Initial version.
  • Jun 2014 - Addendum of population by five-year brackets in subnational areas.
  • Oct 2015 - Geographies advanced to NUTS 2013.
  • 21 Dec 2023, Phillip Thorne - Properties, Further reading.