Taiwan (Province of China) - Deaths

Taiwan (Province of China): Deaths

Mnemonic DTH.ITWN
Unit #, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Monthly 13.15 %
Data Apr 2021 14,276
Mar 2021 16,438

Series Information

Source Ministry of the Interior
Release Population
Frequency Monthly
Start Date 1/31/2000
End Date 4/30/2021

Taiwan (Province of China): Demographics

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Birth Rate Apr 2021 0.52 0.59 # per Ths. pop., NSA Monthly
Births Apr 2021 12,264 13,819 #, NSA Monthly
Death Rate Apr 2021 0.61 0.7 # per Ths. pop., NSA Monthly
Deaths Apr 2021 14,276 16,438 #, NSA Monthly
Population Apr 2021 23,514,196 23,525,623 # EOM, NSA Monthly
Net Migration 2020 -33,978 12,718 #, NSA Annual

Release Information

The population statistics mainly come from the household registration and the household/population census. According to the provisions of laws and regulations, the registered population refers to all of the R.O.C. nationals maintaining household registration in Taiwan-Fukien Area.

The demographic data can be divided into two types: i.e., static year-end stocks and dynamic changes about registered population. Included in the first type are demographic data on composition in sex, in age and population by education, marital status, industry, occupation, and employment status. Contained in the seconds type is data concerning birth, death, marriage, divorce, and migration. All of the static demographic data were based on the fact registered as of December 31, except for statistics about population classified by economic activities, industries, occupations, and employment status that were based on the fact prevailing in the period from December 1 to 31. An annual year-end household check, except for the census year, has been conducted to correct errors, omissions, and other incorrect data , in an effort to make demographic statistics more accurate and reliable.

Taiwan reports annual series for a general fertility rate (GFR), a total fertility rate (TFR), and a schedule of "age-specific fertility rates" (ASFR) for seven five-year brackets from ages 15 to 49. The TFR is the sum of age-specific rates, times five. Each ASFR is the number of children borne per 1,000 women in that age bracket; the value is averaged over the underlying five one-year age brackets. Ages 15 to 49 are considered "childbearing years" by the Population Reference Bureau. We do not understand how the GFR is computed. Because the denominator varies for each of the nine series, we have used the generic unit-descriptor "Ratio".

("Total fertility rate" is sometimes expressed as the number of children borne per woman, but not in this dataset.)

Data is revised when new data becomes available

February 2016 -- The annual population components have been merged to population release. The annual population has greater history, starting from as early as 1970.

September 2012 -- Originally, the history was only available up to 2005. History to total population, male, female and household total were added back to1905 using annual numbers and therefore monthly data prior to 2005 are expressed in the month of December only.