Canada - Purchasing Managers index

Canada: Purchasing Managers index

Mnemonic PMI.ICAN
Unit Index=50, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Monthly 11.9 %
Data Mar 2024 63
Feb 2024 56.3

Series Information

Source Richard Ivey School of Business - Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC)
Release Ivey Purchasing Managers Index
Frequency Monthly
Start Date 5/31/2003
End Date 3/31/2024

Canada: Business

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Purchasing Managers index Mar 2024 63 56.3 Index=50, NSA Monthly
Industrial Production Jan 2024 378,934 378,252 Mil. 2017 CAD, SAAR Monthly

Release Information

The Ivey Purchasing Managers Index is jointly sponsored by the Richard Ivey School of Business and the Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC). The Ivey Purchasing Managers Index measures month to month changes in dollars of purchases as indicated by a panel of purchasing managers from across Canada. The 175 participants in this survey have been carefully selected geographically and by sector of activity to match the Canadian economy as a whole. The index includes both the public and private sectors. Index panel members indicate whether their organizations activity is higher than the same as, or lower than the previous month across the following five categories: purchases, employment, inventories, supplier deliveries and prices.

The source bases the Ivey Purchasing Managers Index on month to month changes in dollars of purchases. The index is calculated by categorizing survey responses into percentages of higher than, the same as, or lower than the previous month. The resulting number is added to or subtracted from 50 to give the monthly index number. An index of 50 indicates no change from the previous month. An index above 50 shows an increase while an index below 50 shows a decrease. The source does not adjust for season, inflation or any other adjustment. Please see the below example of how the index is calculated. 

 Example 1: Increase in purchases over previous month Monthly Percentages Higher 26% Same 62% Lower 12% Ivey PMI = 50 + (26-12)/2 = 57 Example 2: Same purchases as previous month Monthly Percentages Higher 20% Same 60% Lower 20% Ivey PMI = 50 + (20-20)/2 = 50 Example 3: Lower purchases than previous month Monthly Percentages Higher 10% Same 71% Lower 19% Ivey PMI = 50 + (10-19)/2 = 45.5

Data is generally final when released and not usually subject to revision.