Russian Federation - Exports of Goods

Russian Federation: Exports of Goods

Mnemonic TREG.IRUS
Unit Mil. USD, NSA
Adjustments Not Seasonally Adjusted
Quarterly 16.69 %
Data 2021 Q4 153,843
2021 Q3 131,843

Series Information

Source The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
Release Balance of Payments
Frequency Quarterly
Start Date 3/31/1994
End Date 12/31/2021

Russian Federation: Trade

Reference Last Previous Units Frequency
Current Account Balance 2023 Q4 11,499 15,923 Mil. USD, NSA Quarterly
Exports of Goods and Services 2023 Q4 10,935 11,208 Bil. RUB, NSA Quarterly
Imports of Goods and Services 2023 Q4 8,781 8,954 Bil. RUB, NSA Quarterly
Net Exports 2023 Q4 2,153 2,253 Bil. RUB, NSA Quarterly
Real Exports of Goods and Services 2022 Q4 9,173 7,750 Bil. 2021 RUB, NSA Quarterly
Real Imports of Goods and Services 2022 Q4 6,747 5,650 Bil. 2021 RUB, NSA Quarterly
Balance of Goods 2021 Q4 68,341 53,983 Mil. USD, NSA Quarterly
Exports of Goods 2021 Q4 153,843 131,843 Mil. USD, NSA Quarterly
Imports of Goods 2021 Q4 85,501 77,859 Mil. USD, NSA Quarterly

Release Information

For Russia, the detailed quarterly balance of payments presentation, according to IMF BPM6 framework.

The balance of payments is a statistical statement that summarizes all economic transactions between residents of the country and non-residents, which took place over a period of time. A transaction is an economic flow that reflects the creation, transformation, exchange, transfer, or extinction of economic value.


  • Framework: IMF BM6
  • Measurement: Millions of U.S. dollars (Mil. USD)
  • Adjustment: Not seasonally adjusted (NSA)
  • Native frequency: Quarterly
  • Start dates: 1994Q1 or 2000Q1


  • BPM5, quarterly - 1994Q1 to 2004Q4 ("_B5")
  • BPM5, annual - 1994 to 2004 ("_B5")

According to IMF definition: “Transactions, for the most part between residents and non-residents, consist of those involving goods, services, and income; those involving financial claims on, and liabilities to, the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers, which involve offsetting entries to balance—in an accounting sense—one-sided transactions” (source: Balance of payment manual, )

The standard (neutral) presentation groups economic processes and phenomena, consistent with the SNA and other macroeconomic statistics. It features two major lines for balances: (a) between current account entries and accumulation entries—the balancing item is the current account balance, (b) between financial and nonfinancial entries—the balancing item is net lending/net borrowing.

Balance of Payments compiled under the Methodology of the 6th Edition of "Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual" (BPM6). In the given release Transaction Signs were previously presented in accordance with the BPM5.

In the course of implementation of the standards set out in the 6th edition of the IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6) the Bank of Russia has adopted a new sign convention in its publications of data reflecting changes in separate items and aggregates within the current account, the capital account, and the financial account.

The change of the sign convention to a new format is due to the BPM6 requirement to have the presentations of the balance of payments data and the international investment position (IIP) data reconciled. Under the BPM6 methodology, changes resulting from balance of payments transactions must have the same sign as the changes in assets and liabilities in the IIP.

The new sign convention is also consistent with the principles underlying the System of National Accounts.

Accordingly, the sign convention of indicators derived from the balance of payments data is being changed, which refers, inter alia, to Net Private Sector Capital Inflows/Outflows aggregate.


Previously, the signs were reported under BPM5 convention, but we have reversed them for consistency.

Further reading

At the source: